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Фильтр по заголовкам     Показывать по 
61 Методологический семинар ЦФРИЮ
62 The Kennan Institute welcomes applications for the new Billington Fellowship
63 Call for papers C International conference
64 International Workshop on Web 3.0 and Smart Commerce (W3SC2016)
65 «Журналист. Жизнь в секунду»
66 New Book: Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-Communist Literatures and Cultures
67 Спор о Катыни. Исторический момент. 9 февраля
68 A Hundred Years of Ostranenie: an International Conference
69 Statehood and Its Discontents: Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia
70 CFP: Passion for Life: Emotions, Feelings and Perception in the North and Siberia
71 Deadline Extended: Visiting Fellowships at The Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
72 Practices, uses and appropriations of the Centenary of the Great War
73 SUMMER SCHOOL EHESS: The unity of the Social Sciences?
74 The Harriman Institute postdoctoral fellowships
75 Postdoc: a three-year residential postdoctoral research associate position in sociocultural anthropology (Princeton)
76 Ловушки, противоречия и парадоксы модернизации
77 Europe under Stress: The End of a Common Dream? (12-14 June, Tartu, Estonia)
78 Приглашение к публикации
79 RAPPEL - bourses court séjour Russie / Ukraine / Biélorussie / Moldavie / France
80 «Исторический момент» 1 декабря Первая русская революция: провал или пролог?
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