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Home Проект АИРО-XXI и Союза журналистов Москвы «ПОБЕДА-75» Объявления Places of Amnesia: Interdisciplinary perspectives on forgotten pasts (Cambridge (UK)

Places of Amnesia: Interdisciplinary perspectives on forgotten pasts (Cambridge (UK)

The research group Places of Amnesia at the University of Cambridge is pleased to announce the interdisciplinary conference
Places of Amnesia: Interdisciplinary perspectives on forgotten pasts
Cambridge (UK)
April 5-6, 2016

The conference seeks to develop a dialogue between subject experts, established scholars and young researchers on how historical events, people, places and cultural texts are not included in the representation of the past. We seek to establish whether specific sites can be viewed as the loci of forgetting or, recalling and critiquing Pierre Nora's lieux de mémoire, can be studied as places of amnesia.

The symposium will feature a keynote by Carlo Ginzburg and a workshop on methodologies, alongside paper presentations and discussions.
We aim to organise the panels along the following areas:

1. Places of Amnesia: theoretical framework
2. Places of Amnesia and critical theory
3. Transitional justice and amnesia
4. Places of Amnesia in Holocaust studies
5. The socialist past as place of amnesia
6. Postcolonial amnesia
7. Representations of amnesia in literature, art and film

If you are interested in presenting a paper at this conference, please submit an abstract of no longer than 300 words and a short bio.
Proposals with a comparative perspective are also welcome.
Please send your proposal to Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. by October 30, 2015.

Participants will be kindly reminded to send their papers two weeks prior to the conference. A publication of the presented papers is planned. We will support a limited number of travel bursaries for scholars working on Central and Eastern European topics, awarded on a competitive basis. The organisers would like to thank the CEELBAS and Cambridge School of Arts and Humanities for their generous support.

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