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Home Проект АИРО-XXI и Союза журналистов Москвы «ПОБЕДА-75» Объявления Job: A tenure-track assistant professorship in Modern Russian literature and culture (Brown University, Slavic Studies)

Job: A tenure-track assistant professorship in Modern Russian literature and culture (Brown University, Slavic Studies)

Brown University Slavic Studies Assistant Professor of Slavic Studies Location: Providence, RI
The Department of Slavic Studies at Brown University announces a tenure-track assistant professorship in Modern Russian literature and culture, beginning July 1, 2016. Advanced assistant professors may be accelerated through the probationary period. Area of secondary specialization open, but preference may be given to candidates with expertise in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian literature and in visual studies (art, cinema, etc.). Knowledge of another Slavic cultural tradition is a plus.
Interest in interdisciplinary collaboration expected. Demonstrated strength in research and publications and excellence in teaching required. Ph.D. must be earned by time of appointment. Will teach wide range of undergraduate and graduate modern Russian literature and culture, and Russian language courses as needed. Native or near-native fluency in Russian and English required.
Candidates should provide a letter of application, a dissertation abstract, a current CV, one writing sample of scholarly work (30 pp. maximum), a teaching portfolio, and three confidential letters of recommendation. All materials are to be submitted via Interfolio ( by November 15, 2015.


Проект АИРО-XXI «Победа-80»

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