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Home Проект АИРО-XXI и Союза журналистов Москвы «ПОБЕДА-75» Объявления CfA - research collaborators in Tashkent, Nukus, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Baku, and Almaty

CfA - research collaborators in Tashkent, Nukus, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Baku, and Almaty

This is a call for applications for a number of positions as research collaborators in the framework of a research project on living standards and mobility in Central Asia (ca. 1870 to 1950), managed by Dr Beatrice Penati (Nazarbayev University). This is a two-year project (2015-2016) and it aims at collecting and processing evidence on the following topics:

· A) Memory of mobility within and beyond the Kazakh republic in the 20th century (MOB – N.B. this part of the project is coordinated by Dr Alima Bissenova and this call does not refer to it)
· B) Estimation of the number and profile of Kazakh refugees escaping the famine of the early 1930s, from the KASSR into the neighbouring Central Asian republics (REF)
· C) Constitution of a database of household budgets from Central Asia and the Steppe region for the colonial and Soviet period until WWII (HHB)

Research Collaborators (RCs) will be participating in the sub-projects REF and HHB above.

They will be required to collect statistical materials from archives in Tashkent, Nukus, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Baku, and Almaty. It is estimated that 100 hours of archival work will suffice to identify such materials and ask for their reproduction. Expenses for reproduction will be covered by the project. RCs will not be employed for data-entry.

The applicants should meet the following requirements:
1. 1. Familiarity with the corresponding archive and possibility of working in it;
2. 2. Basic IT skills, including Excel;
3. 3. Working knowledge of English;
4. 4. Access to a personal bank account (to receive their compensation);
5. 5. Study background in History (at least undergraduate);
6. 6. Dynamism, flexibility, reliability, and desire to learn.

Desirable, but not indispensable, skills include: fluency in English, post-graduate qualification in the field of History, familiarity with Tsarist and Soviet statistical materials, interest in Economic and Social History, participation in international research projects.

The compensation package includes:

Ca. 2,000 USD for the completion of each year's task (ca. 100h of archival work)
Participation in annual workshops in Astana (expenses covered)
Training for the task required (online and live)
Opportunity to be integrated into an international research team, joint publications, etc.

If interested, please submit an application package (CV, motivation letter, and the names and contact details of two persons who can recommend you) by 12 April 2015.
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Dr Beatrice Penati
Assistant Professor of History
Department co-ordinator (History, Philosophy, Religious Studies)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nazarbayev University
Kabanbay Batyr ave. 53
010000 Astana

Block 8, office 8509... office tel. no. +7(7172)709067


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