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Home Проект АИРО-XXI «СССР-100» Объявления They Can Live in the Desert But Nowhere Else

They Can Live in the Desert But Nowhere Else

Уважаемые коллеги,
Приглашаем вас на наш совместный семинар по советской истории 01.06.2015 в 19:00 в Мемориал (Каретный ряд, д. 5/10)
Докладчик: Рональд Григор Суни (Мичиганский университет, Чикагский университет, НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург)
Тема выступления: „They Can Live in the Desert But Nowhere Else": Explaining the Armenian Genocide'' (Доклад на английском языке).

„This is the story of why, when, and how the genocide of the Armenians
of the Ottoman Empire happened. It is a story of a moment of
historical passage, when empires attempted to accommodate themselves
to a transforming world in which nations and national states
challenged their sources of power and legitimacy. Yet those empires
were not ready to give in or give up; they were not prepared to
surrender to what later would appear to be irresistible pressures of
nationalism, popular empowerment, and regimes based on equality and
merit rather than inherited privilege and hierarchy. Looking back
from the future the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the emergence
of subject nations appear to be historically inevitable. But for the
actors in the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first of
the twentieth there were many possible roads that could have been
taken. My talk today and the book on which it is based investigates
those moments of choice when political actors might have acted
differently but decided instead to embark on a course that led to
devastation and destruction" (Ronald Grigor Suny)

При финансовой поддержке НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург.