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Political Violence Conference Schedule

Yale University research initiative

Political Violence and Militant Aesthetics After Socialism


Friday, April 17, 2015

4.00-4.15 Introductory Remarks [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Marijeta Bozovic (Yale University)

4.15-6.00 Panel I: History of Violence [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Ilya Budraitskis (NCCA, Moscow Art Magazine). "Does War Leave Space for Violence?"

Dragan Kujundzic (University of Florida). "Who Wants to Die Does Not Die"

Serguei Oushakine (Princeton University). "The Cruel Romance of War: On Rituals of 'Good' Violence"

Discussant: Marci Shore (Yale University)

6:00-8:00 Screening and Q&A [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Keti Chukhrov. "Love Machines" (2013)

8:00-9:00 Reception [Whitney Humanities Center]

Saturday, April 18, 2015

10:00-12:00 Panel II: Militancy and Heroism [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Pavel Arseniev (Translit, University of Lausanne, Switzerland). "Literature of a State of Emergency: Varlam Shalamov vs. 'All Progressive Humanity'"

Jodi Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges). "Militant Collectivity"

Kevin Platt (University of Pennsylvania). "Dmitry Golynko and the Weaponization of Post-Lyricism (from the Language of Inquiry to the Language of War)"

Discussant: Vladimir Alexandrov (Yale University)

12:00-2:00 Lunch and Beinecke Tour [Beinecke Archive]

2:00-4:00 Panel III: Post-Soviet, Post-Human [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Oxana Timofeeva (RAN, European University in St. Petersburg). "Prolegomena to any Future Theory of Community"

Keti Chukhrov (RGGU). "On the Internal Colonization of the Unequal Other"

Alexei Penzin (RAN, University of Wolverhampton, UK). "Truth and Violence: Militant Subjectivity in Lenin's Writings"

Discussant: Jonathan Platt (University of Pittsburgh)

4:00-6:00 Panel IV: Avant-Garde Now [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Kristin Romberg (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne). "Post-Soviet Project Work: Mid-Century Institution as Form"

Mark Lipovetsky (University of Colorado, Boulder). "Roman Osminkin's Practice: Between Sergey Tretyakov and Dmitrii Prigov"

Aleksander Skidan (New Literary Observer, Chto Delat). "Dramatizing Violence: Scenarios of Revolt in Contemporary Russian Poetry"

Discussant: Molly Brunson (Yale University)

7:00 Conference dinner [location TBA]

Sunday, April 19, 2015

10:00-12:00 Panel V: Institution and Insurrection [Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium]

Artemy Magun (European University in St. Petersburg, Chto Delat?). "Art and negativity (and forget the violence)"

John Roberts (University of Wolverhampton, UK). "Art, Neoliberalism and the Fate of the Commons"

Marta Dziewanska (Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw). "Institution as Social Event"

Discussant: Marta Figlerowicz (Yale University)

12:00-2:00 Lunch and ArtSpace Exhibit Tour [Artspace Gallery]

2:00-4:00 Yale Art Gallery Tour [Yale University Art Gallery]

4:00-7:00 Poetry Reading, Performance, and Closing Reception at ArtSpace [Artspace Gallery]

Pavel Arseniev, Keti Chukhrov, Aleksander Skidan

Russian-language poetry and English translations

Anastasiya Osipova and Matthew Whitley



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